Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Returning to the 9 to 5

Greetings Fellow Travelers,

Been a while since I last posted and I apologize. Over the last two weeks and even more, I have been settling in to my new job. Getting there has been quite an interesting journey for me, as I am sure you can appreciate. Despite my concerns about the implications for our lives as related to being employed via the contemporary job market, the sense of economic security that therein obtains, is hard to deny. This is true particularly in light of the fact that more desirable alternatives for meeting our basic living/economic needs, are at best limited and for a significant number, non-existent. So I would like to explore some of the questions or challenges, that emerge from this line of thought.
It seems to me that the effort to create self-sustaining economic structures, needs to be pursued with renewed vigor. We have many wonderful examples of individuals and groups, who have been able to, think outside the box, step away from the mainstream, and do their own thing, start their own enterprise. Indeed and ironically, it is these very initiatives that often end up becoming the dynamo of mainstream economic activity. The examples are endless, from Johnson Publications, the Nation of Islam, Oprah Inc., Bill Gates and on and on, indeed some of the wealthiest in the world, have done it outside of the conventional model of employment. Despite those examples and appreciation of our inherent creative capacity to sustain ourselves economically and the tremendous potential our dormant individual and collective resources, most of us remain wedded to the 9 to 5 as the primary model for sustaining and living our lives. I propose that what we are experiencing, indeed what drives most of us, is a process of learned dependency, pervasive in societies with glaring imbalance of power, that expresses itself in the experience of, or challenge to, our health and wellness, economic security, opportunities to develop and experience life from one's own creative "well".
Two final thoughts or options for us to consider if you, like me, find economic independence a desirable goal. It is, I believe, essential that we recognize that the wealth we are trying to get in order to meet our needs or to flourish, will for most of us come from one place or via one primary process. What we desire, as expressed in our visions of achievement, will surely be brought forth, presented by the universe. But I am equally convinced that it will be produced by us who dream the vision. The visions will emerge be fulfilled, from the potent validity of our conscious convictions and the valiant action needed to pursue, nay, to work for, to produce our wealth for our deserving selves. Regardless, many of us will continue to produce, making wealth everyday, the question that obtains here is whether, as a result of our devoted service on the 9 to 5, will the fruits of our labor enrich and nourish our lives or someone else. The other point I offer here is that we have to cleanse ours minds, examine our belief system, that implicitly suggests that our worth, our potential, only has meaning or validity, when endorsed by some external power or authority. That power structure, the system that may been seen as providing a living for us, exists only as a result of our concrete service to the machine. The job needs us as much as we need it, indeed the job is naught without the worker, to the contrary our worth is unconditional, independent and our capacity to create and produce, undeniable.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Stable Home and Getting the Job

Greetings Friends,
I recently had the pleasure of visiting a program dedicated to providing services to families transitioning from crisis or otherwise oppressive situations. There was of course, several laudable features about this type of work, mission, that is driven by caring concern for the well being of fellow human beings. One feature that stands out for me is the sensitivity to the fact, that people coming out of abusive, oppressive situations need comprehensive support, in order to successfully accomplish routine objectives and the vital task of returning to or beginning gainful employment. Indeed this need is not limited to those struggling with the more blatant forms of oppression or exploitation. Restoring a basic sense of balance, of security that offers a stable, nurturing and long term place of residence is a critical element in this objective. The person coping with the challenge of recovery from chemical dependency or a period of homelessness, is dealing with at least a "double whammy". This often puts them at a significant disadvantage in the employment market and even when they do succeed in finding work, the actual transition, adjustment phase, is far from complete. So it was refreshing to learn of programs that reflect in their service the understanding that crisis intervention is just that, and recovery is a long term goal due to the awareness that healing takes time. The recovery environment, the living space, has to reflect those well worn principles that offer a healthy change in relationship with "people, places and things" in a more than less, permanent way, a need. So we are back to the basics, relationship as the key factor in almost any endeavor and definitely the one of Work, Life and Living. Just from the initial interaction with staff at recovery and transition facilities, one can glean how important the need to develop ethical relations with those being served is understood. It is from those relations that vital trust is built to facilitate the sharing about the essential, the functional need, for a safe and stable home. Often this is the very aspect of the lives of survivors, that has been seriously compromised, impacting in a disabling way, on the capacity to move from victim to survivor, and accomplish the ultimate task we all have, of creating a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for self and relations.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Every day should be Working Women's Day

Greetings Sisters and Brothers,
It is laudable and simultaneously troubling that we have to set aside a specific time to do what we should be doing everyday and all the time, appreciating the never ending contribution of woman. So, it is my conviction that everyday, should be noted as working women's day, because in effect, that is what it is. Days only possible, because of the work of women. Among the troubling revelations that may obtain by taking a more comprehensive look at the work of women, is that we would be forced to acknowledge the ongoing, institutionalised oppression of women.
In effect the tacit legalization of a despicable crime against humanity, through the wanton abuse of womanhood. In times of war and peace and for too many women, it has always been long night of fear and violence, and too often days of thankless struggle, toil and disrespect.
It is evident, in a global order, in the dominant global culture, and subcultures,that for all intents and purposes this is a man's world, in which women may participate only at the invitation of men. The commanding heights and the essential expression of contemporary society, is almost totally male, in form or essence.
The efforts of the women and their male allies, who have broken the barricades of gender oppression, have helped to humanize us all and it is this aspect that I find most enriching, most hopeful. Aware, that most of you are familiar with the horrendous abuse of women, around the world, I will not insult your consciousness by recounting the myriad of situations that should have all humanity up in arms. There is a world war being waged, if not for the destruction of women, certainly for to intensify and sustain their dehumanization. This is particularly evident in the global war on terror, and the never ending imperial war to procure, dominate and exploit the human and material resources of vulnerable societies. Those who work to assert the human rights and dignity of women, generously offer us all the chance of redemption and restoration of the integrity of humanity. This is a job of monumental significance, a sacred duty.
One area of endeavor that I have found of tremendous value, is that of how we perceive the role of women in the context of reproduction. At risk of being too idealistic, I would suggest that the failure to pay even more attention to the contradictions inherent in the work of procreation, of motherhood, has led to some really twisted attitudes and policies towards women and resultant oppression.
I view the process of reproduction as a creative, endeavour in which woman grants man the opportunity to participate. Not to disavow the obvious value of our contribution as men, but I believe it would be accurate to view our participation as an honor and a privilege, and proceed from that consciousness. I am not proposing that women's role be elevated to a position of superiority, but in a value system, where the status of men has been superior, I feel that the question of the validity of that relation is in order, and that it should be corrected. Again, I will refrain from presenting the obvious, suffice it to say that the privilege of choosing a mate, dehumanizing in itself, has mainly been the right of the male.
In order to attain justice for all, liberation and to truly value the human experience, these forms of oppression have to be done away with. But again, of equal importance is concrete, functional appreciation the role of women in the creative process, of the facilitation of the development and coming forth of life itself. Family, community and the state itself needs to institutionalize and express in their relations in policy and practice and in the culture the value of womanhood. The nation state and the international community needs homage and model respect for to the inherent and irreducible worth of women.

Here are a few propositions for your consideration:

1.That we continue to challenge the assumptions about gender value.

2.Take a close look at the implications of gender based power dynamics for all
relationships and particularly those built around the reproductive process.

3.That in reviewing the creative relationship we honor the humanity of all involved
by recognising that the opportunity to share in the life of another human being
is a privilege that is valid solely on the discretion of the other party. In the
context of this discussion, the woman decides if she wants to share her body and
the mother, whose duty it will be to bear the fruit of labor, must in principle be
accorded the authority commensurate with her contribution.

4.The plight of women around the world needs to be acknowledged even more
directly,recognised and defined, as a product of a deliberate, historic and
institutionalised policy to oppress and dehumanize women. That this status, as
already laid out in various human rights forums, needs to be brought into the
popular consciousness and engaged with the same, or more intense investment as is
the global war on terror,the death penalty and other human rights abuses.
In almost every conflict, in contemporary and historic times, we see that the
women experience devastating victimization and have little to gain from
whatever men may be supposedly fighting over.

5.Finally, in all aspects of human endeavor, all work,the contributions and most
importantly the wisdom of women, should be sought after and respected in
pursuit of a more humane and dignified world for all.

International Women's Day

Greetings Fellow Travelers,
Recognizing that this day and this month, Women's Herstory Month, has been set aside to do what we should do every day and all year round, I thought I would like to offer my gratitude to all you wonderful women.

Thank you for allowing us
Allowing me to share
To share life
Have the honor
Of participation in the creative process
That most sacred duty
Most vital responsibility
Of creating life itself
Thank you for receiving me
Being generous enough
Allowing us, men the joy
The joy of planting seeds
Thank you for the embrace
Of love and infinite wisdom
The genius that is love
The genius that is love
Thank you for the wisdom
The wisdom that is tenderness
The wisdom that is tenderness
With which you nourish and grow that seed
Guiding with deft hands
And technical skill
Skill with loving devotion
Working as only you can
Through a journey
Fraught with danger
Challenge and opportunity
Beyond any we can ever conceive
On this side of creation
Woman you make it happen
For nine months more
Bearing your burden as honor
With elegance and grace
Bearing your burden as honor
With elegance and grace
You woman facilitate the coming forth
Life in beautiful form
Life in beautiful form
Precious dreams of infinite tomorrows
Thank you for indulging us men
Permit us to claim ownership
Control over a sojourn
We men can't control
Would be wise to humbly appreciate
Thank you for rising to the challenge
Of motherhood, sisterhood
Attending to this task
Even when you are nourishing, caring for
The fruit
Even when of another tree
Just by being you
Thank you working women
For creating the space
For us all to plant our hopes and dreams
For all humanity to reap
To harvest the future
Thank you for teaching
For the enlightenment
To learn what work really is
And what life really means
Appreciate you woman